
Price: 0 lv

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Address: Between s. Yasenovo and the town of Shipka

Validated: NO


Golyamata Arsenalka consists of a domed chamber and a rectangular antechamber with a gabled roof flanked by a monumental facade. The entire tomb is constructed of very well worked granite blocks. The accumulation of the mound probably took place in the late 5th century BC and shortly after, in a pit in the southern part of the mound, a monumental tomb used as a 'mausoleum' was erected. The tomb is one of the best built stone dome tombs on the territory of Bulgaria. Within a radius of 150 m around the tomb there are no other mounds, the terrain is perfectly flat, the soil is stony and infertile, and no archaeological materials have been found on the surface. The mound itself has an extremely regular truncated-conical shape with a circular platform at the top 10 m in diameter.